
Mikrobiologi.net > SFM > Stipendier  

FEMS scholarships

FEMS scholarship to young researchers (younger than 35 years) are available for application twice per year, the 1st  June and 1st of December using online applications. The research exchange must be with a FEMS membership country. The applicant can get as much as 4000 Euro. The presidium of SFM appoints the Swedish candidates, whose applications are then decided by the Grants Board at FEMS office in Delft, The Netherlands. During the last years there has been very few Swedish applications and we will ask you to spread this information to PhD-students and postgraduates. Please note that the applicant must be a member of Svenska föreningen för mikrobiologi (SFM).

Application forms and further information can be found on the web page: http://www.fems-microbiology.org

or from Per-Eric Lindgren E-mail: per-eric.lindgren@liu.se 

2025-01-18 16:04
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