
Mikrobiologi.net > FKM > Document groups > Nomenklatur inom svensk mikrobiologi  
Nomenklatur inom svensk mikrobiologi
Benämning Strep Staf Neiss i svar v 2
Rekommendation för benämning av streptokocker, stafylokocker och Neisseria i svarsrapporter, uppdate
Benämning Strep Staf Neiss i svar
Rekommendation för benämning av streptokocker, stafylokocker och Neisseria i svarsrapporter

Unique hits: 27. 2024-05-18 09:16
Ⓒ All material on this website is protected by copyright law.
Copyright Mikrobiologi.net and the respective originators / authors
What is a document?

A document can be any kind of file, e.g. MS Word files, Adobe PDF-files and image files like JPEG.

Please observe that file names must be no longer than 90 characters, file extension included. Space is also a character. Preferably use much shorter filenames, they ar only used internally. You can describe the document in detail in the document archive metadata. 

Remember that you always need to have the proper software installed to read those file formats.

Standard file formats on this platform include PDF, ANSI text, PNG, JPEG and GIF.

Members are expected to be able to open and read all document types from Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), either with Microsoft Office or other software that can interpret these file formats.

Please observe that for security reasons, uploading executable programme files is not permitted.