
Mikrobiologi.net > SFM > Medlemmar > Diarmaid Hughes  
Diarmaid Hughes
Professor of Medical Molecular Bacteriology  
PhD in Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1984).
EMBO post-doc from 1985 at Department of Molecular Biology, Uppsala.
Docent in Molecular Biology Uppsala 1991.
Professor of microbiology at Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala, from 2001.
Professor of Medical Molecular Bacteriology at IMBIM (Department of medical biochemistry and microbiology) since May 2011.

Interested in bacterial genetics and growth physiology, related to the genetics and evolution of antibiotic resistance development, and to the integration of translation and transcription with growth regulation.  

2010-11-17 till 2026-12-31 Medlem SFM
2018-05-30 till 2022-05-10 Övrig styrelseledamot SFM

Adress (Arbete)
Institutionen för medicinsk biokemi och mikrobiologi
Box 582
751 23


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2025-02-07 18:03
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