
Mikrobiologi.net > SFM > Nyheter > (899)  
Deadline ISPPD-12 is January 12, 2022
19-23 June 2022, Toronto, Canada, isppd.kenes.com

ISPPD is the premium forum to discuss the progress and recent advancements in pneumococci and pneumococcal diseases and is the place where you can exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas.

Abstract submission is now open! The organisers are eager to receive your work and you will also be able to benefit from additional opportunities:

- Travel Grant covering your registration, travel expenses and hotel accommodation
- Participation Grant covering your online registration
- Young Investigators Award giving recognition to your work

All submission and application deadlines: 12 January 2022  

Mer information: http:// isppd.kenes.com
« Tillbaka
Inlagt 2021-12-06 av Disa Larsson Hammarlöf  

2024-09-19 11:29
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