
Mikrobiologi.net > Händelser och möten  
Alla händelser och möten
2025-08-28 NSCMID 2025, Åland
2025-05-20 SVIM 2025 - Vårmötet för infektion och mikrobiologi!
2025-04-07 Advancements of Microbiology - 1st International Conference
2025-03-10 European Tick-Borne Diseases Conference, Paris
2025-03-02 17th European Conference on Fungal Genetics
2024-10-24 NMMD - Nätverket för Molekylär Mikrobiologisk Diagnostik
2024-10-23 18th Congress of the International Union of Microbiological Societies – IUMS 2024
2024-09-23 7th IAAASS – Innovative Approaches for Identification of Viral Agents
2024-09-15 13th Advanced Course on Diagnostics (ACDx)
2024-08-29 NSCMID 2024
2024-06-18 IPC2024 – 17th Int Sci Conf on Probiotics, Prebiotics, Gut Microbiota and Health -
2024-05-28 NordicAST workshop Malmö
2024-05-22 NECTM9 - 9th Northern European Conference on Travel Medicine
2024-05-21 Infektionsveckan och Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte
2024-05-21 Ungt forum
2024-05-20 NDPIA-course: AI Applications in Infection Biology
2024-04-27 ECCMID 2024
2024-04-19 Heldagsseminarium om tularemi
2024-04-16 Nordtick 2024
2024-03-13 EUROGIN
2023-10-23 10th National Infection Biology and Swedish Society for Microbiology Meeting
2023-10-10 ESCMID Advanced course on histopathology of parasitic infections: when the past becomes the future
2023-09-21 NSCMID 2023
2023-09-21 Symposia: Gut microbiota development from infancy to old age
2023-09-18 2nd Nordic Seminar on Infection Control
2023-08-23 20th Smögen Summer Symposium on Virology
2023-06-20 16th Intl. scientific conference on probiotics, prebiotics, gut microbiota and health - IPC
2023-06-15 7th Nordic Conference of Antiviral Treatment Strategies and Drug Resistance
2023-06-15 7th Nordic Conference of Antiviral Treatment Strategies and Drug Resistance
2023-05-31 Hot topics in infectious diseases and clinical microbiology in Central and Eastern Europe
2023-05-23 Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte/infektionsveckan 2023
2023-05-09 NordicAST Workshop Malmö
2023-04-27 Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance in Medical Practice
2023-04-15 33rd ECCMID
2023-04-13 Webbinarium: Reviderade standarden SS-EN ISO 15189:2022
2023-03-22 ScanVir 2023
2023-02-02 NordicAST webinar What is new in the breakpoint table v13.0?
2023-01-01 Double registration by mistake. Klick link for original post
2022-11-16 NordicAST Basic AST webinar / Grunderna i resistensbestämning
2022-11-16 State of the Art Covid-19 16-17/9 2022
2022-11-15 3rd International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology
2022-10-07 GMS-webbinarium 7/10 kl 12 om sekvensering och infektionsdiagnostik
2022-09-19 Inspelat webinarium - Diagnostik av infektioner i blod orsakade av bakterier och svamp
2022-09-19 Webinarium - Diagnostik av infektioner i blod orsakade av bakterier och svamp
2022-09-01 NSCMID – 38th annual meeting
2022-06-19 ISPPD-12 - 12th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases
2022-05-24 Välkommen till NordicAST workshop i Göteborg
2022-05-10 Infektionsveckan och Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte 2022
2022-05-10 Välkommen till akademiskt nätverksmöte i mikrobiologi!
2021-11-24 State of the Art Covid-19
2021-11-16 9th National Infection Biology / Swedish Microbiology Meeting
2021-10-13 12th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics
2021-09-20 ESCMID Postgraduate Course in Clinical Parasitology
2021-09-14 Infektionsveckan och mikrobiologiskt vårmöte i Uppsala 2021
2021-09-03 NSCMID 2021
2021-09-01 Overcoming future pandemics: Tools to control viral threats
2021-08-27 NordicAST workshop 2021 ersatt av heldags gratis webinarium 22/9
2021-07-09 ECCMID 2021
2021-06-21 The 21st Lancefield International Symposium for Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases
2021-06-03 Translation of recent advances in diagnostic methods to clinical microbiology and infectious disease
2021-05-27 SFM:s årsmöte 2021
2021-03-31 INSTÄLLD: Substratkonferens i Västerås
2021-03-11 Equalis digitala utbildningsdag klinisk mikrobiologi
2020-12-15 State of the Art Covid-19
2020-12-03 NordicAST-webinarium
2020-11-27 NordicAST-webinarium
2020-11-15 Abstract deadline State of the Art Covid-19
2020-10-23 Combating COVID-19 - A national SciLifeLab initiative funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Founda
2020-05-26 INSTÄLLT: Infektionsveckan och Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte, Uppsala, 2020
2020-05-07 INSTÄLLT: NMMD 2020
2020-04-18 CANCELLED: Welcome to ECCMID 2020!
2020-03-24 Hygiendagarna 2020 i Norrköping
2019-10-14 8th National Infection Biology Meeting
2019-10-02 Stockholm LabDays
2019-09-12 Welcome to NSCMID2019 in Trondheim
2019-06-09 EMBO Workshop "Bacterial Cell Division: Closing the Gap"
2019-06-03 ScanVir2019 conference
2019-05-14 Infektionsveckan och Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte 2019
2019-04-11 International symposium on respiratory systems in gram-positive bacteria
2019-04-09 Hygiendagarna 2019
2018-12-02 EUROGIN 2018
2018-11-19 Kurs i bakteriell metodik
2018-10-18 NMMD 2018
2018-10-07 8th ASM Conference on Biofilms
2018-10-02 32nd International Papillomavirus Conference
2018-10-02 4th SFM/NDPIA Day - Scientific meeting - Registration closes September 6th
2018-09-23 ESCV 2018 - 21st meeting of the European Society for Clinical Virology
2018-08-20 Kurs i Klinisk Virologi (Lipus-certifierad)
2018-08-19 NSCMID - 35th Annual Meeting
2018-06-26 IHMC 2018
2018-05-29 Infektionsveckan och Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte 2018
2018-05-28 ESPID - 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases
2018-05-08 NordicAST Workshop 2018
2018-05-06 10th International Symposium on Shiga Toxin (Verocytotoxin) producing Escherichia coli Infections
2018-05-02 MiFFI - 1st International Conference on Microbial Food and Feed Ingredients
2018-04-21 28th ECCMID
2018-04-18 The Swedish Global Health Research Conference 2018
2018-04-10 2nd NordTick
2018-03-20 Hygiendagarna 2018
2018-02-05 Human Papilloma Virus - from molecular biology to global health - an eLearning course
2017-11-29 EPIDEMICS 6 – the 6th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics
2017-11-06 ESCAIDE 2017
2017-10-26 NMMD 2017 - Nätverket för Molekylär Mikrobiologisk Diagnostik
2017-10-11 EMMD 2017, 10th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostis
2017-10-11 Workshop: Metals in Biology
2017-10-08 EUROGIN
2017-10-03 The 3rd SFM day Tuesday 3rd of October 2017
2017-09-26 Labbdagarna - sjukhuslabb inkl workshop
2017-09-18 5th European Advanced Course on Clinical Tuberculosis (EACCTB)
2017-09-18 Microbial Ecology & Eco Systems
2017-08-31 34th Annual Meeting of NSCMID
2017-06-21 12th International Symposium on Aeromonas and Plesiomonas
2017-06-01 ASM Microbe 2017 (= ASM + ICAAC)
2017-05-23 NordicAST workshop
2017-05-16 Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte och Infektionsveckan 2017
2017-04-24 Temadag om diagnostik av invasiva candidainfektioner
2017-04-24 6th Nordic Conference of HIV and Hepatitis Drug Resistance and Treatment Strategies
2017-04-22 27th ECCMID
2017-04-04 Hygiendagarna 2017
2017-03-07 Utlysning av uppdrag som nationellt referenslaboratorium
2017-02-28 HPV 2017 31:a internationella papillomavirus konferens
2017-02-06 MALDI-TOF MS nätverksmöte
2016-11-28 Öppet hus för forskare som beställer data ur Socialstyrelsens register
2016-11-18 Antibiotikaforum 2016
2016-11-17 NMMD 2016
2016-11-16 ST-utbildning om DNA-sekvensering
2016-11-09 Chefs och professorsmöte, FKM
2016-11-07 SK-kurs: Sepsis på akuten och IVA
2016-10-24 Antibiotika och antibiotikaresistens. Infektionsläkarföreningens höstutbildning.
2016-10-19 The European Congress of Virology (ECV)
2016-10-17 The 2nd SFM Day
2016-10-13 First International Conference on Clinical Metagenomics (ICCMg)
2016-09-26 SK-kurs. Infektioner hos immunsupprimerade
2016-09-22 ESCMID Management of Infections in Septic Shock Patients
2016-09-15 NSCMID, Rovaniemi, Finland
2016-09-07 ST-kongress Framtidens Specialistläkare (FSL)
2016-09-07 Substratmöte 2016, Umeå
2016-08-22 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics & Systems Biology
2016-08-22 Kurs i Klinisk Virologi
2016-06-28 ESCMID Virulence and Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus
2016-06-16 ASM Microbe/ICAAC 2016
2016-06-03 ESCMID Individualized Medicine in Infectious Diseases
2016-06-02 Folkhälsomyndighetens NGS-dag!
2016-06-01 Nothern European Conference on Travel Medicine
2016-05-23 Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte och Infektionsveckan
2016-05-16 SK-kurs: Antiviral behandling & monitorering samt diagnostik vid HIV, HBV och HCV infektioner
2016-05-09 SK-kurs: Antimikrobiell terapi
2016-05-03 NordicAST Workshop 2016
2016-04-18 Hygiendagar, Svensk Förening för Vårdhygien
2016-04-13 International Liver Congress, EASL
2016-04-09 ECCMID 2016
2016-04-07 ESCMID Antimicrobial Stewardship
2016-03-17 ESCMID Parasitic Infections of the Arabian Peninsula
2016-03-17 Kurs i lokalt Strama-arbete
2016-03-16 Kurs om ortopediska infektioner
2016-03-15 The role of metals and biocides in the selection of antibiotic resistant bacteria
2016-03-10 Equalis användarmöte i Medicinsk mikrobiologi
2016-03-07 ESCMID Emerging Arbovirus Infections in Europe
2016-02-22 CROI 2016: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
2016-02-09 Leverveckan
2016-02-08 Labbdagarna 2016
2016-02-02 NordTick 2016 Fästingburna sjukdomar
2016-01-21 Disputation, Karolinska Institutet
2016-01-20 Nätverksträff MALDI-TOF MS-användare
2015-11-25 Novemberkonferens: Specialistutbildning för röntgensjuksköterskor och biomedicinska analytiker
2015-10-19 The 1st SFM One Day Meeting
2015-10-14 9th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics (EMMD 2015)
2015-09-30 HIV & Hepatitis Nordic Conference
2015-09-18 2nd International Conference on Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases
2015-09-17 HPV 2015 - 30th International Papillomavirus Conference & Clinical Workshop
2015-09-16 4th Molecular Microbiology Meeting
2015-09-15 Sweden’s contribution to the global HIV research agenda
2015-09-03 32nd Annual Meeting of NSCMID
2015-09-03 The 7th International Conference on Ocular Infections
2015-08-23 Second EMBO Conference on Aquatic Microbial Ecology:SAME14
2015-06-19 3rd European Seminar in Virology (EuSeV)
2015-06-07 The 6th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS 2015 Congress)
2015-05-28 Disputation: Eva Tano
2015-05-25 Infektionsveckan och Mikrobiologiskt Vårmöte 2015
2015-05-21 Substratkonferens 2015 Karlskrona
2015-05-12 NordicASTs Workshop i resistensbestämning 2015
2015-05-08 Disputation: Sara Mernelius
2015-05-08 Disputation: Susanne Sutterlin
2015-04-15 Hygiendagar 2015 i Umeå
2015-03-12 Equlis användarmöte
2014-10-16 German Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2014 and 7th International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses
2014-09-26 31:a NSCMID (fd SSAC) konferensen
2014-07-05 13th ESCMID Summer School
2014-05-22 Disputation: Daniel Bremell, Lyme Neuroborreliosis - Diagnosis and Treatment
2014-05-05 6th National Infection biology Meeting
2014-04-09 Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte 2014, Trollhättan
2013-10-25 Disputation ESBL Alma Brolund
2013-10-01 Diagnostikforum
2013-08-28 Biofilm Nobel Conference: Biofilm formation, its clinical impact and potential treatment
2013-07-21 FEMS 2013 - 5th Congress of European Microbiologists
2013-06-12 Avhandling för medicine doktorsexamen: Bacteria-host interplay in Staphylococcus aureus infections
2013-04-15 KURS: Komplementsystemet – biologisk funktion och klinisk diagnostik
2013-04-08 Mikrobiologiskt Vårmöte 2013
2013-03-05 Perspectives on receptins and resistance
2013-01-31 NMMD i Jönköping 2013
2012-11-28 Riksstämman 2012 i Stockholm
2012-09-29 6th ASM Conference on Biofilms
2012-09-09 ICAAC 2012
2012-08-30 NSCMID (tidigare SSAC) årlig kongress
2012-08-29 The Adler Symposium in Yeast Biology
2012-08-18 IFBL:s världskongress i Berlin
2012-05-30 NordicASTs workshop
2012-05-24 Stramadagen 2012: Piska och morot – är viten och bonus bästa sätten att förbättra antibiotikaanvändn
2012-05-22 Konsensusmöte om mikrobiologisk referensmetodik – smittskyddslagens sjukdomar
2012-05-12 Konsensusmöte om referensmetodik för parasitologisk diagnostik
2012-04-18 Vårmöte Mikrobiologi 2012 i Linköping
2012-04-18 Studiedagar, Svensk Förening för Vårdhygien - SFVH
2012-03-15 3rd International MicroVal Symposium
2011-11-30 Riksstämman 2011 i Stockholm
2011-11-25 Disputation: Anna J Henningsson
2011-09-22 Nätverksmöte: Nätverket för Molekylär Mikrobiologisk Diagnostik
2011-08-18 7th Smögen Summer Symposium on Virology
2011-06-26 FEMS 4th Congress of European Microbiologists 2011
2011-05-29 Microbial Genetics and Ecology Conference
2011-05-25 Joint British-Scandinavian Meeting in Microbiology and Infection
2011-05-21 ASM 2011
2011-05-11 7th European Workshop on Bacterial Respiratory Chains
2011-05-07 21st ECCMID / 27th ICC
2011-05-07 MOBIDIAG Prove-It Lunch Seminar on Advanced Molecular Diagnostics
2011-04-11 Mikrobiologiskt Vårmöte 2011
2011-03-18 Disputation: Ivar Tjernberg - Diagnosis of Lyme Borreliosis
2011-01-13 European Society for Clinical Virology,Winter Meeting
2010-12-02 InfCare Användarmöte
2010-12-02 Senaste nytt om musretrovirus (XMRV) och kroniskt trötthetssyndrom på Riksstämman
2010-12-01 Medicinska Riksstämman 2010
2010-09-30 Scandinavian Society for Antimicrobial Chemotheraphy - 2010
2010-09-26 12th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-Borne Diseases (ICLB 2010)
2010-08-30 Food Micro 2010
2010-08-26 6th Smögen Summer Symposium on Virology
2010-08-23 Andra symposiet om livsmedelsburna patogener
2010-06-06 29th World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science
2010-06-01 SMI-dag om molekylär mikrobiologisk diagnostik
2010-05-27 3rd Nordic Conference of HIV and Hepatitis Drug Resistance and Treatment
2010-05-26 STRAMA-dag
2010-05-08 Symposium on Yeast Biology, Focus on Polarity and Asymmetry
2010-04-26 Mikrobiologiskt Vårmöte 2010
2010-04-07 4th European Congress of Virology
2010-03-24 SMI-dag om Diagnostik av svampinfektioner
2009-11-25 Medicinska Riksstämman 2009
2009-11-17 Symposium: Stafylokoklaboratoriet og S. aureus bakteriæmi-forskningsgruppens 50-års-jubilæum
2009-10-05 Kurs: Komplementsystemet – biologisk funktion och klinisk diagnostik
2009-09-03 SSAC minicourse och möte
2009-08-20 5th Smögen Summer Symposium on Virology
2009-06-28 FEMS 2009 - The 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists
2009-06-15 12th Annual Conference of the European Biosafety Association (EBSA)
2009-06-14 Symposium on Bacterial Cell Biology and Pathogenesis
2009-06-14 Nordic Biosafety Network
2009-06-02 SMI-dag: Vankomycinresistenta enterokocker
2009-05-16 19th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2009
2009-05-08 25th International Papillomavirus Conference
2009-05-08 Disputation: Protozoa and their involvement in Campylobacter epidemiology (Diana Axelsson-Olsson)
2009-05-07 Disputation Erik Nygren
2009-05-04 RAF-Ms årliga workshop i resistensbestämning
2009-04-22 Vårmöte i Västerås 2009
2009-03-24 "Vad är egentligen en brytpunkt, och andra aspekter på antibiotikaresistens och resistensbestämning"
2009-03-10 EQUALIS Användarmöte för Medicinsk mikrobiologi
2009-03-09 SK-kurs: Mikrobiell patogenes - IPULS
2009-02-12 Laboratory Diagnosis of Lyme Borreliosis - Choice of Strategy in a Scandinavian Perspective
2009-01-23 HPV möte i Malmö
2009-01-07 ESCV 2009 European Society for Clinical Virology, Winter meeting
2008-11-28 Jubileumssymposium på Riksstämman - Global Health in a new world
2008-11-26 Utbildning för ST-läkare och nyblivna specialister i klinisk mikrobiologi
2008-11-26 Seminarium om mikrobiologi och intensivvård
2008-11-17 Komplementsystemet - biologisk funktion och klinisk diagnostik
2008-11-13 4th Swedish National Meeting on Infection Biology
2008-10-09 Internationellt möte/kurs om pneumokocker/streptokocker
2008-10-09 Öppen föreläsning: Bakterier och virus i havsvatten
2008-10-08 Linnédagar i laboratoriemedicin 2008
2008-10-05 Microbes and the law - setting the limits for practical use
2008-09-30 SMI–dag: Konsensusmöte om laboratoriediagnostik av sexuellt överförbara infektioner (STI)
2008-09-29 Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Microbial Diseases
2008-09-18 2nd Nordic Conference of HIV and Hepatitis Drug Resistance and Treatment Strategies
2008-09-18 25th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
2008-08-28 4th Smögen Summer Symposium on Virology
2008-08-24 IFBLS 28:e världskongress, New Delhi Indien
2008-06-27 ESCMID Conference on Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers
2008-06-03 Vårmötet 2008
2008-06-02 SMI-dag om vårdhygien i Luleå
2008-05-29 ESCMID Conference on Fighting Infections Due to MDR Gram-positives
2008-05-27 SMI-dag om biosäkerhet
2008-05-22 Impact of Diagnostics on Antifungal Treatment (NSMM & SSCM)
2008-05-21 STRAMA-dag
2008-05-19 Svensk Förenings för Transfusionsmedicin vårmöte
2008-05-05 RAF-M´s workshop 5-6 maj, 2008
2008-04-19 18th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2008
2008-04-17 Klinisk mikrobiologi i Malmö 50 år!
2008-04-14 Svensk Förening för Vårdhygien
2008-04-06 Emerging Technologies of Medical Importance for the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases and the Detecti
2008-04-02 11th Annual Conference of the European BioSafety Association
2008-03-04 SMI-dag om molekylär typning
2008-02-19 Vaccines in the 21st Century - Berzeliussymposium
2008-01-24 ESBL-dagen, Akademiska sjukhuset
2007-11-15 3rd Swedish National Meeting on Infection Biology
2007-11-01 Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte 2008
2007-10-07 3rd Conference on New Frontiers in Microbiology and Infection, Streptococcus pneumoniae
2007-10-03 Linnédagar i laboratoriemedicin
2007-10-03 Linnédagar i laboratoriemedicin 2007 i Uppsala
2007-09-27 Substratkonferens
2007-09-19 Två konferenser om genteknik hösten 2007
2007-08-05 IUMS International Congresses
2007-06-23 9th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology - BAGECO 9
2007-06-02 European Working Group for Legionella Infections (EWGLI), 22:a årliga mötet, 2007
2007-05-09 Mikrobiologiskt Vårmöte 2007
2007-03-20 Vaccination: a tool for the control of avian influenza
2007-02-20 Advanced course in Pichia pastoris Technology
2006-11-05 Conference on Congenital CMV Infection
2006-10-26 22rd Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
2006-10-16 Seminar: STI Management Projects in Eastern Europe
2006-10-10 Nordic Biosafety Network
2006-09-03 European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV), 9th Annual Meeting
2006-08-17 2nd Smögen Symposium on Virology
2006-07-15 14:e Internationella Konferensen om Frankia och Aktinorhiza växter
2006-07-01 7th International Workshop on Pathogenesis and Host Response in Helicobacter Infections
2006-06-15 SMI-dag om tuberkulos
2006-05-22 Strep EURO-symposium - Global burden of Streptococcal disease and European battle against it
2006-05-17 Mikrobiologiskt Vårmöte 2006
2006-05-11 Substratkonferens
2006-05-11 STRAMA-dag
2006-05-10 The 15th Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Genitourinary Medicine, SSGM
2006-05-03 Current Research in Avian Zoonoses
2006-04-04 SINDIF: Samverkan för patientsäkerhet inom laboratoriemedicin
2006-03-17 Biosäkerhet i Norden
2005-11-22 Aktuelle zoonoser og zoonosekontrol
2005-09-11 10th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-Borne Diseases
2005-09-04 New Frontiers in Microbiology and Infection: Lessons from Escherichia coli...
2005-08-28 2nd International ASM-FEMS Conference on Enterococci
2005-08-24 Marine Cyanobacteria: Evolution, Function and Genomes
2005-06-25 ESCMID summer school 25 juni-2 juli 2005
2005-06-18 4th International Conference on Rickettsiae and Rickettsial Diseases
2005-05-28 3rd European Meeting on Viral Zoonoses
2005-05-23 Disputation: Radinka Hadzic
2005-05-21 Disputation: Fredrik Carlsson
2005-04-27 Mikrobiologiskt vårmöte 2005
2005-04-04 Workshop Virologi (Abbott)
2005-04-02 15th ECCMID
2005-04-01 2nd NSMM Meeting, Proper Use of Antimycotics
2005-04-01 Disputation: Therése Nordström
2005-03-31 NSMM Course/seminar Introduction to Medical Mycology
2005-02-23 1st Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals and the Environment
2005-01-31 AFA-symposium om antibiotikaresistens

2025-02-07 19:35
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