
Mikrobiologi.net > FKM > Länkar > Zoonoser  
EISS - the European Influenza Surveillance Scheme
Human Leptospirosis: Guidance for Diagnosis, Surveillance and Control
World Health Organization. ISBN 92 4 154589 5 (2003). [PDF]
Measures to Control Chlamydia psittaci Infection Among Humans and Pet Birds, 2000
MMWR July 14, 2000 / 49(RR08);1-17
Medical Entomology, Uppsala University
Medical entomology is the science about insects, ticks and other arthropods which directly or indirectly cause disease in man. Veterinary entomology is often regarded as a sub-discipline of medical entomology.
Rat Bite Fever
Streptobacillosis; Haverhill fever; Epidemic arthritic erythema; Spirillary fever; Sodoku
WHO - Global influenza programme

2025-02-07 18:21
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